

Auto-Fill troops

TBS will automatically send resources from capital village to deff villages, train troops there and send the remaining resources back. This is a perfect feature for any deff account.

Auto-Change Proxy

TBS can change proxy by itself.  This means you are far less likely to be banned for using a bot. Main reason for a bot ban is high activity from same IP (12h+).

Auto-Settle new villages

TBS can find appropriate valleys to settle around your capital village. Or you can input coordinates in advance and it will automatically settle one valley after another.

Build infrastructure and fields

Make queues, set priorities, auto-build bonus buildings, import/export construction plans, demolish buildings etc.

Build timed catapult waves

Bot allows you to build waves that will arrive on second precision. You can add multiple attacks with multiple waves, real attacks or fakes.

Auto-Send Farmlists

Random second-precision farming intervals for Farmlists, don't raid farms where there are losses, auto-add Natar villages.



Don't trust me? Check the code.

I have heard many people complain about other Travian bots stealing their passwords and selling their accounts. Since TBS is open source, you can check the code yourself and be sure only you have an access to your account.